The Great (film) Debates

Here are the questions our panel has debated in the Great (film) Debate series.

Great Debate vol. 1: "What three films would you use to rebuild Hollywood?"
Great Debate vol. 2: "What is the saddest moment in film?"
Great Debate vol. 3: "What is the most romantic moment in film?"
Great Debate vol. 4: "What famous actor/actress can you not stand?"
Great Debate vol. 5: "Who is your favorite character actor?"
Great Debate vol. 6: "What historical event do you think needs a movie?"
Great Debate vol. 7: "What is the happiest moment in films?"
Great Debate vol. 8: "Who is your favorite film villain?"
Great Debate vol. 9: "Who is your favorite film hero?"
Great Debate vol. 10: "What actor should have played Darth Vader if he had to go without the mask?"
Great Debate vol. 11: "Who is your favorite modern actor and what is their best role?"
Great Debate vol. 12: "Who is your favorite modern actress and what is their best role?"
Great Debate vol. 13: "Who is your favorite Hollywood (film/TV) President?"
Great Debate vol. 14: "Who is your favorite classic Hollywood actress and what was her best role?"
Great Debate vol. 15: "If you could see a miniseries made about someone’s life, who would it be?"
Great Debate vol. 16: "Rank the James Bond actors from best to worst."
Great Debate vol. 17: "If you were going to recast Casablanca with modern actors, who would you choose?"
Great Debate vol. 18: "Who is your favorite classic Hollywood actor and what is their best role?"
Great Debate vol. 19: "Who is your favorite James Bond villain?"
Great Debate vol. 20: "What movie did you like a lot at one point, but no longer like. . . and why?"
Great Debate vol. 21: "Worst. . . sequel. . . ever. . .?"
Great Debate vol. 22: "What do you think was the silliest guess about the future made in a science fiction film?"
Great Debate vol. 23: "Who is your favorite detective on film?"
Great Debate vol. 24: "What if your favorite town to see on film?"
Great Debate vol. 25: "Who is the best comedic actor for physical comedy?"
Great Debate vol. 26: "Who is your favorite detective on television?"
Great Debate vol. 27: "What one error (continuity, out-of-character moment, etc.) just kills you every time you see it?"
Great Debate vol. 28: "What actress do you wish would be better known (or “given more prominent films”)?"
Great Debate vol. 29: "What film do you think gives the best representation of the future?"
Great Debate vol. 30: "What is the coolest car on film?"
Great Debate vol. 31: "What other occupation would you like you see more of on film?"
Great Debate vol. 32: "What is the coolest spaceship on film?"
Great Debate vol. 33: "What is your favorite comedy?"
Great Debate vol. 34: "What club/bar from any film would you own?"
Great Debate vol. 35: "Who is the toughest/coolest action hero of the modern era?"
Great Debate vol. 36: "What is your favorite gangster film?"
Great Debate vol. 37: "Who is your favorite cartoon character?"
Great Debate vol. 38: "Who is your favorite film anti-hero?"
Great Debate vol. 39: "What film has your favorite natural scenery?"
Great Debate vol. 40: "Recast Darth Vader as a female character!"
Great Debate vol. 41: "Who is the toughest/coolest action hero of the classic era?"
Great Debate vol. 42: "What is your favorite sitcom?"
Great Debate vol. 43: "What actor do you wish would be better known?"
Great Debate vol. 44: "Who is the best comedic actor for verbal jokes?"
Great Debate vol. 45: "What is your favorite television drama?"
Great Debate vol. 46: "What is your favorite sports film?"
Great Debate vol. 47: "What is the coolest alien on film?"
Great Debate vol. 48: "What is your favorite game show?"
Great Debate vol. 49: "What film struck you as most confusing?"
Great Debate vol. 50: "What is the most obnoxious product placement you recall?"
Great Debate vol. 51: "What is your favorite romantic film?"
Great Debate vol. 52: "What is your favorite war film?"
Great Debate vol. 53: "What is your favorite Simpsons moment?"
Great Debate vol. 54: "What is your favorite EPIC film?"
Great Debate vol. 55: "What film disappointed you most?"
Great Debate vol. 56: "Name a film character who perplexed you."
Great Debate vol. 57: "Who is your favorite soundtrack/score composer?"
Great Debate vol. 58: "What film was your most pleasant surprise?"
Great Debate vol. 59: "What film 'blew your mind' and why?"
Great Debate vol. 60: "Recast Gone with the Wind with current actors."
Great Debate vol. 61: "Who is your favorite 'permanent fixture' on sitcoms?"
Great Debate vol. 62: "What film character would you most want to meet in real life?"
Great Debate vol. 63: "Who is your favorite director?"
Great Debate vol. 64: "What is your favorite science fiction film?"
Great Debate vol. 65: "What is your favorite movie poster?"
Great Debate vol. 66: "What is your favorite western?"
Great Debate vol. 67: "What is the most effective product placement you recall?"
Great Debate vol. 68: "What is the funniest physical gag on film?"
Great Debate vol. 69: "What is your favorite disaster film?"
Great Debate vol. 70: "What movie do you most want to see a sequel/prequel to?"
Great Debate vol. 71: "What film offers the best courtroom drama?"
Great Debate vol. 72: "What movie isn’t as deep as people think?"
Great Debate vol. 73: "What is your favorite “stupid” comedy?"
Great Debate vol. 74: "What is your favorite “animal” film?"
Great Debate vol. 75: "What film/scene had the best use of music?"
Great Debate vol. 76: "What is the funniest standup routine?"
Great Debate vol. 77: "What movie party should we attend?"
Great Debate vol. 78: "What was the most pathetic fight scene on film?"
Great Debate vol. 79: "What film has the best intro?"
Great Debate vol. 80: "What movie needs a reboot?"
Great Debate vol. 81: "What 'shark jumping moment' ruined a film for you?"
Great Debate vol. 82: "What is the coolest robot on film?"
Great Debate vol. 83: "What is your favorite alien on film?"
Great Debate vol. 84: "Best date movie?"
Great Debate vol. 85: "Most obnoxious kid on film?"
Great Debate vol. 86: "What actor comes across as most likeable?"
Great Debate vol. 87: "Let’s assume we remake The Wizard of Oz, who should direct and what do you hope they do differently?"
Great Debate vol. 88: "Who is your favorite film weirdo?"
Great Debate vol. 89: "What is your favorite musical?"
Great Debate vol. 90: "What is your favorite chase scene?"
Great Debate vol. 91: "What is your biggest pet peeve about superhero movies?"
Great Debate vol. 92: "What is your favorite film about an historical figure?"
Great Debate vol. 93: "What was the best/worst television series finale?"
Great Debate vol. 94: "What is your guiltiest guilty pleasure film?"
Great Debate vol. 95: "Name three Hollywood stars (living or dead) you’d like to invite to dinner."
Great Debate vol. 96: "What philosophical moment have you taken from a film that has influenced your life?"
Great Debate vol. 97: "Who is your favorite movie/TV Cowboy?"
Great Debate vol. 98: "What book do you want to see made as a movie?"
Great Debate vol. 99: "What villain did you find most likable as a person?"
Great Debate vol. 100: "?"
Great Debate vol. 101: "What is your favorite movie-going memory?"
Great Debate vol. 102: "Who is your favorite Disney Princess?"
Great Debate vol. 103: "Who are your favorite television parents?"
Great Debate vol. 104: "Who is your favorite female action heroine?"
Great Debate vol. 105: "What is your favorite literary allusion on film?"
Great Debate vol. 106: "What villain were you supposed to hate, but you could almost kind of maybe see yourself supporting?"