
Here are some bios of friends and guests of the site:

AndrewPrice: CommentaramaFilms founder, co-founder of Commentarama, Big Hollywood contributor, and author of a couple book (LINK), Andrew has too many bios on the web already. Click here for one of them.

Tennessee Jed: I am a professional grandpa, and part time curmudgeon who is currently studying to understand films made after 1968, and to remind readers there were actually actors before Britt Ecklund or even Woody Allen.

T-Rav: Born to a family of cat murderers in 1988, I got my B.A. in History from Southeast Missouri State University in 2009 and picked up my M.A. in the same from the University of Mississippi in May of this year (2011). I'm now working on my Ph.D., same place same station. After pouring out my heart and soul for the McCain campaign in '08, I was burnt out and dejected when I stumbled across this little place called Big Hollywood on the interweb. I jumped in, eventually drifted over to Commentarama because I loved Andrew's and LawHawk's back-and-forths at BH, and now spend my time studying, pretending to know much more about TV and film than I actually do, and otherwise having no life whatsoever. And also trying to avoid Bev and her mallet.

ScottDS: 30-year old Independent currently majoring in graphic design. And if that doesn't work out, then hopefully NASA will be accepting volunteers for a one-way trip to Mars.

The Boiler Room Elves: Unionized thugs who once worked for Santa and now run the boiler which keeps the internet flowing at Commentarama.

BevfromNYC: Co-founder of Commentarama, Bev's bio can be found here.

tryanmax: So far, only the Shadow knows. . .