Friday, April 13, 2012

Film Friday: Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985)

Directed by James Bond director Guy Hamilton, Remo Williams was meant to kick start a James Bond-like franchise about an American assassin. It didn’t. The film bombed at the box office. But it has since become a cult classic which still gets television play almost thirty years after it was released. I enjoy this film a lot, but I also know why it went wrong.

** spoiler alert **

Remo Williams stars Fred Ward as a New York City cop who gets drafted by a mysterious organization called CURE. CURE is only three people, Wilford Brimley, J.S. Preston and Ward, and they answer directly to the President. Their mission is to target untouchable high-level criminals who walk the halls of power within the nation’s capitol by killing them in what appear to be accidents. As Preston puts it, they are enforcing the Eleventh Commandment: “thou shalt not get away with it.”

As the story begins, Ward is “recruited” by Preston. This entails putting Ward into a coma, taking him to the hospital where he undergoes plastic surgery, reporting him dead, and giving a new name -- Remo Williams. Ward is then taken to meet Chuin, a Korean martial arts master of the (non-existent) art of Sinanju. Chuin begins Remo’s training. Meanwhile, the film introduces George Grove, the villain. He owns Grove Industries, a defense contractor which is selling defective equipment to the military, including an SDI/Star Wars defense prototype which doesn’t really exist. Grove is being pursued by the tenacious Major Fleming (Kate Mulgrew of Star Trek Voyager), who is an auditor with serious doubts about Grove Industries.

These characters soon collide in a series of incidents.

Why This Movie Deserves To Be Remembered

There are several reasons this movie deserves its cult classic status. For one thing, it’s just a fun movie. This is partially because the actors are all very likeable and partially because the film never takes itself too seriously. Indeed, in many ways, this film is exactly like other quasi-comedic actions films of the period like Buckaroo Banzai and Tremors. Thus, you get lighthearted action and lots of little jokes throughout the film, like how Preston names Remo after a bedpan, a masterfully well-done scene where Remo gets chased by overly-talented dogs, and an hilarious bit of flirting between Remo and Fleming: “nice buttons.”

Secondly, the character of Chuin is worth the price of admission alone. Played by Joel Grey (Cabaret), Chuin is an ancient martial arts master who loves soap operas, is fiercely anti-anything that isn’t Korean, and just barrages Remo with obscure and hilarious insults. His take on American life is both biting and yet also extremely funny: “they call it fast food because it speeds you to your grave.” He also displays near magical powers, such as being able to dodge bullets, which make all the training scenes extremely entertaining. Chuin also provides the movie with heart. For while he has little respect for Remo initially, he slowly grows to love him like a son, which adds a few nice emotional moments to the film.

Why This Movie Failed

Despite the above, it is undeniable that Remo Williams ultimately fails as a movie because it lacks a strong punch. The characters are solid and you care about them and the crime is inventive and despicable, but somehow none of it feels consequential. Moreover, while Remo does a lot of exciting things, the film never sustains a sense of excitement. Why? Well, because the story has been assembled in the wrong order.

One of the most important rules of writing is to build to a climax. Hence, the conflicts within the story should build one on top of the next until you come to the point of resolution, which is the climax. Remo Williams doesn’t do this. To the contrary, it delivers its climax in the middle of the film and does so without connecting the various story threads.

The real crime at issue in Remo Williams is the fake SDI program (the HARP). That is what Fleming is investigating. That is what CURE is investigating. That is what Grove is paying generals to cover up. So resolving the HARP issue should be the film’s climax. Indeed, it should be the focal point where Fleming’s story and Remo’s story come together as they meet in a final match against Grove. But it’s not. The HARP issue gets suddenly resolved halfway through the film when Remo and Preston raid Grove’s warehouse and the HARP blows itself up, covering up the crime. At that point, the film shifts. Fleming now pursues Grove over some defective rifles Grove has sold the Army -- a minor subplot which was barely mentioned in the first half of the film. CURE declares its mission over. And Remo decides to seek revenge against Grove all on his own. This will now be where the story resolves itself.

But this is problematic. For one thing, this means that everything CURE and Fleming have done up to this point is now meaningless. This is particularly problematic with regard to Fleming because her story has yet to mesh with Remo’s. And since Remo knows nothing about the rifles and doesn’t care, those two stories can’t really mesh, as seen when the film tries to combine their missions to achieve a climax. Since they have no common goals, they have little use for each other. Thus, Remo just makes sure she is safe and then continues his mission without her, turning her story into simple filler. This wastes her entire character.

Moreover, the HARP mission had the bang to be a climax, but the rifle mission doesn’t. The HARP mission involved breaking into a secure warehouse, guarded by unknown forces and highly trained dogs, and it ended in a huge explosion. This is exactly the type of action which starts or ends all action films. The rifle investigation, by comparison, is small potatoes. It involves a chase through the woods with limited players and limited effects. There are some dangerous stunts, but they aren’t visually spectacular. The sense of danger also is rather low because this isn’t Grove’s home turf, so he doesn’t control the challenges Remo faces and Grove himself is no match for Remo. Thus, making this the ending was a poor choice all around.

What Remo Williams should have done was swap out these two moments. The rifle investigation should have come first and led to the HARP investigation, with Remo and Fleming drawing closer and closer as the stakes went up as they get nearer to the resolution of the HARP project. This would have allowed everything the film did to build on itself and would have allowed Remo and Fleming to develop their chemistry. How much stronger would this have made the film? I would think a lot stronger. In fact, in hindsight, this is so obvious that I wonder why they didn’t see this? The screenwriter, Christopher Wood, claims he wrote a more climactic scene which was discarded for budgetary reasons, but even if that is true, it still doesn’t explain the strange choice to essentially start the story over midway through? This tells me, we are probably looking at writer-failure.

All in all, it’s too bad this wasn’t fixed because so much else about this film resonates so well.


Anonymous said...

I saw this film for the first time just last year (which seems to be a theme with me on this site!). I liked it and I could see why it would be remembered as one of "those movies." It's just a lot of fun. Fred Ward is his likeable everyman self (it's too bad he never quite attained "leading man" status), Joel Grey is excellent as Chiun, and Kate Mulgrew is just cute as a button.

I had actually forgotten about the plot's order of events. I suppose repeat viewings would help but at the time, it didn't stick out to me. From reading your review, it reminds of the first time I saw Star Trek Generations where we have this big space battle and saucer crash in the middle of the film and even as an 11-year old, I thought to myself, "That can't be the climax - Picard hasn't even met Kirk yet!"

I remember some specific gags in this film. I love the bedpan bit and doesn't Remo cut a glass window with a henchman's tooth? I also liked the forest chase - doesn't Remo grab a tree but the tree starts moving? I like little touches like that - it's like, what could possibly happen next?!

Apparently there was a short-lived TV series based on the film, with Roddy McDowall (!) as Chiun. There were rumors of a new Remo Williams film but that was a couple years ago.

tryanmax said...

I have literally never heard of this. It sounds like it's worth checking out.

Joel Farnham said...

Remo Williams is actually based on a book series. Two writers had developed it and created over 100 enjoyable books. They are called The Destroyer : Book title #1, Book title #2 etc etc.

The two writers collaborated well, but sometimes they didn't get along. So once in a while, one would write the beginning and stop, sometimes in the middle of a sentence, then send it to the other writer without any indication of how the story would end. :-))

And Andrew, Sinanju is the "spring" where all Martial Arts come from! Chuin is the Emperor Smith's assassin. And Chuin's real name is Niuhc. He changed it because his real son disgraced the name.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, You've never heard of it? It's a lot of fun. It falls into that quasi-comic 1980s action film genre. It's not as good as Tremors, but it's well worth checking out. Chuin's line in particular are very memorable: "you move like a pregnant yak!"

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, It is based on a series of books called The Destroyer series. I haven't read them, but I like the character.

That sounds like a hard way to write a story!

It is indeed the "spring" where all Martial Arts come from! LOL! I love his rabid pro-Koreanism.

K said...

A good movie, but it had a hand in the layoff of well over 650,000 defense and aerospace workers in the early 90s.

This was the first of many movies and TV show plots from Hollywood using the "evil corrupt defense company" stereotype to set up the Bush/Clinton extreme reduction of the defense industrial sector after the Soviet Union collapsed.

That defense spending reduction bonus helped balance the budget, which just shows that Democrats don't have any problem with reducing government spending as long as the things being downsized employ a larger percentage of Republicans than Democrats and is not heavily unionized.

Funny how that works out.

Tennessee Jed said...

Thanks, Andrew: A good fun popcorn movie. I have always enjoyed that kind of film for what it is, particularly when it doesn't strive to be more than it is. It's been a long time since I saw this one, but I do like your prescription for flopping the moments.

As far as Fred Ward goes, he has always been a nice "B" actor. I liked him ever since he played Virgil "Gus" Grissom so well. "Effen A, Bubba." I kind of think he has picked roles that were right for him, and has a natural comedic touch. By way of example, he played Reese Witherspoon's dad in the classic Romantic Comedy "Sweet Home Alabama." Good guy and good actor.

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, All correct. The henchman has a diamond in his tooth. And the tree does begin moving. This is an inventive little movie. It's packed with dozens of little touches like that. Unfortunately, that all gets let down by the lack of punch in the plot.

I agree about the actors too. Mulgrew is just super cute. Ward is very likable. And Grey is just phenomenal as Chuin.

Interesting point about Generations, it does seem to suffer from a similar problem -- the middle is more exciting than the ending. Also, to clarify, when you watch Remo Williams, you don't feel like the story is wrong or backwards or anything, it just is what it is. But it's because it is assembled wrong that it lacks the punch is needs to be truly memorable.

AndrewPrice said...

K, The villain is definitely a defense contractor, but that was common at the time -- this was the mid-1980s, during Reagan's defense build up. And this was the era when the GAO found $500 toilet seats and where $1,000 hammers. So I don't blame the film for its choice of villain. At least they made it clear that they only attacked the company for providing defective products and making fraudulent demands for money. It wasn't a broad-based attack on "corporate greed" or anything like that.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I agree. This is a movie which doesn't try to be more than it, and I appreciate that. I think it makes the movie very "comfortable."

I'm glad you agree about flipping the two scenes. I really think it would have tied the movie together better.

I like Ward a lot (but you are right that he is a B actor). I think he's excellent at playing the "just slightly out of touch/slightly dumb" normal guy who misreads situations, but always seems to come out on top by the end of the film.

rlaWTX said...

Never heard of it... but I was 12 in 1985... Sounds like a movie my dad would have liked.

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, That's part of the fun of being a cult classic -- lots of people either haven't heard of it or they only know the title. Watching it is like joining a club!

The title was actually mocked for years because of the "The Adventure Begins" part and then there being no sequel.

DUQ said...

Fun movie! I think you put your finger on it above when you said it is "comfortable." This is the kind of movie like a happy memory. It doesn't make you laugh out loud or get your heart pounding, but it is just fun and comfortable.

I hadn't thought about the story being in the wrong order, but that is an excellent point.

Ed said...

This was indeed a fun film! I'm surprised they still show it though since Joel Grey is playing a minority character. That doesn't seem to be allowed anymore.

Ed said...

Scott, Good point about Generations. I hadn't thought about that, but it is true. That could be why Generations feels like it lacks punch too.

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, Thanks! This is a comfortable film. It's the kind of film you can watch any time and it just brings a smile to your face.

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, I don't know that they've banned old films like this yet, but they probably will at some point. One thing is for sure, if this were made today, they would not cast a Caucasian actor to play an Asian role.

It is an interesting question about the film being assembled backwards. I wonder how often this has been the cause of a film lacking punch? That might make for an interesting question.

Doc Whoa said...

I saw this for the first time a couple years ago. I'm a fan of Fred Ward and he does an excellent job in this. I don't think the film is overall that great, but it's not bad. I see exactly what you mean about how it could be better if they flipped the story around.

I had no idea this was directed by a James Bond alum!

AndrewPrice said...

Doc, I like Ward a lot as well. I've liked him in pretty much everything I've seen him in, even when I didn't really care for the movie.

Yes, an actual James Bond director -- Goldfinger, Diamonds Are Forever, and Live and Let Die. There may be another as well.

Doc Whoa said...

Andrew, I just looked him up. There's also Man With the Golden Gun. He also did Force 10 From Navarone.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Doc. I would have looked it up, but today has been one of those overly-busy days. :(

Anonymous said...

I've seen the movie at least three times, and get a chuckle every time. Ward was the perfect everyman thrust into a situation he never entirely understood. Not a classically great film, it's still great light entertainment with tongue-in-cheek humor.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I feel the exact same -- great light entertainment, fun tongue-in-cheek humor, and Ward fits the role perfectly.

TJ said...

I remember wanting to see this back when it came out, but I never got around to it.

Another movie that Fred Ward was in that I think probably has cult status is Timerider. I remember liking that one, but it's been a very long time since I last saw it. Time travel movies are always interesting to me.

AndrewPrice said...

TJ, It's worth checking out -- keeping in mind that this film won't blow you away, but it is entertaining.

I actually haven't seen Timerider, but I checked and Fred Ward is indeed in that! I'll have to look for that. I enjoy time travel films as well.

He's been in lots of films I've enjoyed -- this one, Southern Comfort, Tremors, Bob Roberts, The Right Stuff, Sweet Home Alabama, Naked Gun 33 1/3 etc. He's always solid and always fun to watch.

T-Rav said...

Like tryanmax, I have never even heard of this movie. I saw the title and for a split second thought you were making it up. Does its being released before I was born get me off the hook?

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I suppose that does get you off the hook... for now. ;)

In any event, nope, this is a real movie. I think the title is a weakness because it doesn't really tell people what to expect and it makes the film sound like it's going to be a parody -- which it isn't.

I recommend checking it out the next time it's on television.

Kelly said...

I'm too young to have seen heard about this too. But I shall watch it!

AndrewPrice said...

Good deal Kelly! Let me know what you think. :)

ScyFyterry said...

I enjoyed this and I had no idea it came from a book. Now I want to look into the book. :D

AndrewPrice said...

Terry, I've been temped as well.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Nice review Andrew!

I saw this several times back when I first got HBO in the early eighties.
I didn't notice it at first but after subsequent viewings I found myself wondering why they deescalated the story rather than escalate it.

I figured the director was trying to be too clever perhaps, or maybe thought that going against the natural storytelling order of things it would stand out more or be seen as unique and more artistic.

Whatever the reason (and it may have been the producers trumping the director, I don't know) it ended up hurting the film.

It's still enjoyable and I'll still watch it whenever it's on, particularly for the excellent performances of Ward and Preston.

Good to see that Remo has attained cult status.
That "you move like a pregnant yak" line is comedy gold, lol.

About Preston playing a Korean: I though for sure we would never see anything like this happening in the 2000's.
It's just too politically incorrect.

Which is why it was so refreshing to see Robert Downey Jr. play an Aussie playing a black man in Tropical Thunder (not to mention, hilarious, but I don't hafta tell you that).

If anything, it seems like folks are far more thin skinned than they used to be (and I include some conservatives as well) and it really takes away from the creative process when it's pc gone wild due to the pc nazis who try to put a damper on anything that is even remotely non-pc.

Unless of course it is to make fun of the approved identity groups, ie conservatives, Christians, rich white men, etc.).

Don't get me wrong, I can laugh at that stuff IF it's funny but usually it's not and it's merely barely concealed attacks which are often not concealed at all.

Hollywood is now on this anti-bully kick. How typically hypocritical. Apparently many in hollywood never see that they have many bullies in their own midst that are quick to do all they can to stifle politically incorrect (ie not approved) speech.

Anyhow, I think that's part of the charm of films like Remo and Thunder.
They weren't concerned about the pc thing and it shows. If they were we wouldn't be talking about them in any positive light. because they wouldn't be funny or interesting just more of the same old, same old crap.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Sorry for getting a bit cynical in my comment. It's just that the outrage of the week crowd has broken my "Oh, am I supposed to be outraged by this?" meter, so that it's only pegged at all the hypocritical, outraged imbeciles who think they have a right to dictate to me what's funny or interesting.

I don't care if they wanna rail about how offensive this or that is. That doesn't bother me. It's when they use their influence (along with politiicians, pundits and the lame stream media) in an attempt to bully or force everyone else to have the same delicate, nancy-by sensibilities that they do that it chaps my hide.

Often this is accompanied by a complete misrepresentation of the intent of those they attack.

So now we get public service announcements (puke) about how hurtful the word "gay" is, or calls for the word "retard" to be banned, when in reality these words are rarely used with the intent to actually hurt gays or those who are mentally retarded (oh, I'm sorry, mentally challenged or whatever the crappy politically correct phrase is).

These moral retards should quit worrying about drumming up more misplaced outrage and look in the mirror for once in their lives and listen to themselves.

PS- Don't forget to watch Bully: A Hollywood Biopic.

PPS- You know what really works against bullies? Fighting back. I was bullied incessantly until I reached jr. high school and finally had enough.
I didn't always win when I fought back but the bullies soon left me alone because they don't like to be hurt in the process.

It was such an enlightement to me that I also helped those who couldn't fight back (kids in wheelchairs or who needed leg braces). In fact, it became a hobby of mine.

Had I never fought back I wouldn't have made it through boot camp and there would be no USS Ben.
And the Soviets might've won the cold war and it would be like Red Dawn for real.

Don't let it be like Red Dawn for real. Fight back against bullies. :^)

Patriot said...

I read all The Destroyer books before the film came out. I was really looking forward to the movie, as I was hoping for something that captured the kick-ass martial arts and Bond-like action. While I thought the casting was terrific......Fred Ward was a perfect choice....the plot they chose was a sop to the Hollywood PC police. Probably the only way they could get it to market. There is a plethora of plots they could use if they want to make another. Now I first reaction was an incredulous....."WTF.....why didn't they use The Destroyer as the title?!" much more bad-ass than "The Adventure Begins!"

BTW......I was the guy who had the complete collection of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, and other serials by authors who I can't even remember any more. Yes.....even John Carter series. Anyone remember Francis Xavier Gordon? (I'm such a freakin nerd sometimes.....)

Joel Farnham said...


I have read all The Destroyer books, too.

I felt a little let down since the movie didn't even come close to the actual humor of the series. I especially like Chuin when he talks about the various races and how they came to be. He compares them to a loaf of bread... do you remember how he finishes it?

I have read only two authors complete works. Louis L'Amour and Robert A. Heinlein.

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I'm glad to hear you thought the same thing! It didn't strike me at first that the story was in the wrong order, it just seemed to lack punch. But upon repeat viewing, it did suddenly strike me that the real climax comes in the middle and then the second half of the film is "de-escalation" as you put it. And unfortunately, that prevents the storylines from coming together in a meaningful way and it robs the film of its punch.

But it's still a fun movie!

That line is indeed comic gold -- even the way he says it is priceless!

This film came out right before the whole "Miss Saigon" incident which is where the left really started getting upset about whites playing minority roles. Today, I don't think that's allowed anymore in Hollywood. In fact, even in Thunder, part of the joke is that the black guy (can't think of his name) keeps getting upset that Downey Jr. really believes he's black.

Yeah, the bullying stuff is really driving me crazy. Talk about wrong-headed! Not only the idea that this is a widespread problem ("we're all bullies now"), but the definitions they are using, the hypocrisy in those definitions, the supposed solutions they are offering, and then the hypocrisy that they are acting like bullies to shove this down people's throats.

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I understand and agree. This whole "can't we all just get along" movement drives me nuts. They want to ban any sort of disagreement -- which always means we are all supposed to conform to their groupthink bullsh*t. The answers they offer are the worst possible thing you can do. They seek to ruin everyone's fun to stop anyone from possibly being offended -- real or imagined. They rush from issue to issue trying to stamp out anything except a drone-like existence. And there's always leftist politics behind it: thought control, government spending on fact problems, elimination of the individual. F-that!

AndrewPrice said...

Patriot, I assumed this was a film plot because it doesn't sound like something from a book because it lacks the kind of logical coherence you get when you have to actually construct a plot for a book.

The title puzzles me a lot. In fact, I think the title is the first thing which probably killed this film because it's not clear what to expect. It makes the whole thing sound like a parody So people who don't like parodies probably stayed away and those who do like parodies were disappointed because it's never quite a parody. In fact, if you think of it as a parody, then it's a really weak effort.

It really makes me wonder what happened? Where did this film start to go wrong? Because it sounds like someone wanted to make "The Destroyers" as a movie, but then somewhere along the way, everything changed.

I can imagine fans of the book would be very disappointed. Having never read the book, I enjoy the film, though its flaws are obvious.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, How does he finish that?

Joel Farnham said...

Okay, uh, you remember that Chuin is rabidly Korean and that everything Korean is better than the rest?

According to Chuin, God made man. Like a loaf of bread, he made the white man first and said this was not done. So God tried again. This time he made the black man and found that this was over done. Third time's the charm. He made Korean which is just the right color. Yellow-Brown. Just right. ;-)

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, LOL! That's funny. His being rabidly Korean is hilarious in the film. "The Korean is the most perfect creature ever to bless the earth with the touch of its foot!" I love near the ending too where he says, "In Korea, door handles do not break." He is a really well-written character.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Patriot: I suppose you could say the film story is pc, however at that time it was not as cliche as it is now.
I meant it was non pc irt Chuin for the most part.

I'm gonna hafta check out the books now.

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I agree. This film was before the age of political correctness, so it wasn't following any sort of generic liberal game plan.

I can see why it would appear liberal in hindsight, since the left soon decided that all defense contractors and then all companies are evil. But that's not the case here. They are repeatedly clear here that this is a bad company. They are knowingly selling defective rifles to the military and selling an SDI system which doesn't exist. This isn't just a case of "we make obscene profits on the backs of the poor" or "we make profits on war" -- which is how the villain would be written today. So this isn't an anti-business or anti-military diatribe.

Moreover, there is a strong Dirty Harry-like vigilante strain in this film. Don't forget, CURE exists because the justice system doesn't work to get some people and their mission is to see to it that justice is done.

Anonymous said...

I love this film. I know it's not perfect, but I love it.

Patriot said...

I also love the way Chuin explains to Remo how the Japanese race was formed. A "slutty" Chinese princess was kicked out due to her carnal desires. As punishment, she was sent to an island off the coast of China populated entirely by apes.

Obviously, this series would have never made it past the book censors of today's literary minded world. Buffoons........

AndrewPrice said...

Glad to hear it Anon!

AndrewPrice said...

Patriot, That's hilarious! (Unless you're Japanese of course.)

I looked up the book series on the Wikipedia earlier and I saw that it's 145 books. Wow!

Timbo said...

Just resurrecting a point.
In Australia the movie was called "Remo: Unarmed And Dangerous" not "The Adventure Begins" which my original VHS copy states quite clearly on the cover. It wasn't until I finally found it on DVD recently that I realise that the title was not the original one, although a significant improvement, I would have also preferred "The Destroyer" as a title but we make do with what we have.

AndrewPrice said...

Timbo, I understand that they use different titles in different countries for most movies. "Unarmed and Dangerous" would be a better title, but still, I agree 100% that "The Destroyer" would have been the best title.

Backthrow said...

This article has gotten me all ready to revisit REMO WILLIAMS, despite the anti-climactic climax, as I haven't seen it since its late-1980s HBO/Cinemax days --and I'm not even sure I've even seen it past its halfway mark-- but it looks like Netflix currently doesn't have it as either a disc rental or for streaming. Instead, it's in the dreaded 'Saved' category there these days... bummer.

Hopefully, an Encore channel or Epix Drive-In has it in rotation... guess I'll have to keep my eyes peeled.

AndrewPrice said...

Backthrow, One of these channels has it in rotation because that's what made me think about it recently.

And don't get me wrong, despite the anit-climax, climax, I really enjoy this film. :)

woof said...

i had never heard of this initial introduction to it was as a Tommy Shaw(Styx) part of a,sort of,Shaw solo fanclub,i received notice that he had done the theme song to this movie(heard during the final credits and also as Remo steals an ambulance) and of course went to see it.i thought it was pretty good(30 years later,i have the dvd)and loved the parts with Chiun,as well as other funny bits (i thought wire-walking Dobies were AWESOME!). i even started reading the Destroyer series.So i guess you could say i was won over,and don't think a lot of the criticism of the film was founded,it was a fun,'dramady' type of film.

AndrewPrice said...

Woof, I love the Dobies walking the wire. That was really funny.

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