Thursday, May 28, 2015

Film Friday: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three is one of my favorite films of the 1970's. An early heist film, Pelham stars one of my favorite actors and it possesses the very types of characters, plotting, smart writing and pacing that made the 1970's perhaps the best decade for films. If you haven't seen this one, you should.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer of 70's

With June almost upon us, it's time to announce our plan for the summer. While Kit continues his Marvel series (I will chime in too), I have decided to focus Fridays on some of the best films of the 1970's. This is the Summer of 70's and these are films you should all see... assuming you haven't. This will include films like The French Connection, The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3 and The Bad News Bears. We'll hit upon science fiction, drama, comedy and paranoia. It will be fun. So put on your bell bottoms and grove along for the ride!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Summer of Marvel: Iron Man

By Kit

"I am Iron Man".

Now that we got the most recent Marvel mega-hit out of the way it is time to go back to the beginning. Back to where the whole thing began. Back to 2008, when Marvel Studios released the first live-action movie that kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe and launched one of the biggest money-making franchises in movie history, Jon Favreau's 2008 movie Iron Man


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Film Friday: Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)

Let’s talk about John Carpenter’s second film: 1976’s Assault on Precinct 13. This is one of those films that film-buffs love, and deservedly so. Indeed, this film is fascinating in so many ways. What interests me, however, is just how deeply conservative this film is, especially given the fact that Carpenter is rather liberal.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Summer of Marvel: Age of Ultron

By Kit
"There are no strings on me."

Well, it is time for the Summer of Marvel and today we start with Marvel's most recent release, Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Now, I am still a bit too stuck in the post-theater viewing HOLY-COW-THAT-WAS-AWESOME-MOOD to give it a truly discerning and honest evaluation, but I will give it my best go. But, in short: It is well-worth the $10 to see it.

So, let's get this thing started!


Friday, May 8, 2015

Film Friday: 2010 (1984)

With us touching upon the unique career of Roy Scheider, I thought it was appropriate to finally finish the Peter Hyams sci-fi trilogy: Capricorn One, Outland and now 2010. I view Outland as a masterpiece. Capricorn One is a good but not great and has been unfairly forgotten, especially against today’s dearth of worthwhile films. Then there is 2010. 2010 is simultaneously a strong, entertaining film and a complete and utter disappointment. Let’s discuss.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Summer of Marvel: Introduction

NOTE: check the Bottom of the comments for an update.

We have received a lot of requests to write some stuff on the Marvel movies. And, since just about everyone here except Andrew is a fan of the movies, we here at Commentarama Headquarters have decided to do just that. For the rest of the Summer we will be looking at various entries in the Marvel movie series.


Monday, May 4, 2015

The Life And Times of Chief Martin Brody

Today is a bit of an odd one. I want to talk about the life of Chief Martin Brody from Jaws.