Wednesday, January 30, 2013

MacGuffin With Cheese

All right, I’m going to upset Scott a bit. Sorry, my friend. I’m going to talk about MacGuffins and why the Sankara stones in Temple of Doom are not a good MacGuffin.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Questionable Star Wars vol. 7

This week, we go back to Star Wars. Science fiction often becomes reality because if you can dream it, you can make it. . . like a dragon made of chocolate fondu who shoots laserbeams out his butt. Star Wars is packed with things science should be turning out for consumers.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Great (film) Debates vol. 69

Run for your lives!! Actually, hold on, this is kind of fun to watch.

What is your favorite disaster film?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Film Friday: The Dead Pool (1988)

The Dead Pool is the last Dirty Harry movie. As cop movies go, this one is ok, but as Dirty Harry films go, this one stinks. Believe it or not, the reason is political. By the time The Dead Pool was made, there just wasn’t that much left for conservatives to complain about in the criminal justice system. And that left this film rudderless.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Guest Review: Sound of My Voice (2012)

A Film Review by Tennessee Jed
Last May, I reviewed Brit Marling’s first feature, a low cost, independent production titled Another Earth in which she both co-starred, and co-wrote. At the time I concluded that while flawed, it generated sufficient interest to recommend, and that Marling exhibited definite potential as both an actress and writer. Her second film shares similarities with that earlier effort, but reveals a stronger storyline. It deals with the paranormal, presents a more unified, clearly defined theme, while providing a somewhat easier concept for viewers to grasp. Marling, who partnered with different writers/directors for each film, is likely the dominant creative force behind both.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Questionable Jones No. 3

Spielberg is a talented storyteller. . . usually. That said, the man can do a whole lotta wrong.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Great (film) Debates vol. 68

From banana peels to falling anvils to pies in the face, nothing satisfies our need for seeing others in pain like a great physical gag.

What is the funniest physical gag on film?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Film Friday: Stargate (1994)

Every time I see Stargate, I wonder why I don’t like this film more than I do. I love the idea. The actors are perfectly cast too. I even love the television series that followed. Yet, after a good start, the film very quickly leaves me cold. Ultimately, I think the problem is this just isn’t a smart film.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Guest Review: The Dark Knight (2008)

By: T-Rav

The Dark Knight is my favorite superhero movie ever. It’s not a perfect film, but it’s as close to perfect as any of the big players in this genre, and in many ways transcends the superhero format altogether. And, of course, it’s often thought of as a deeply conservative movie. I agree, but for somewhat different reasons than the oft-cited ones.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Questionable Jones No. 2

According to eBay, the Ark of the Covenant is worth the most, but it’s got a heck of a shipping charge and you’ll never get it through customs. Maybe it wasn’t worth pursuing after all. And what about that sippy cup you can’t take with you?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Great (film) Debates vol. 67

Eat a great tasting Hostess Twinkie, Luke! It will give you the Force!

What is the most effective product placement you recall?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Film Friday: 13 (2010)

I’m going to recommend a movie to you, but I’m not completely sure why -- I’m not even sure I enjoyed it. The movie is 13 and I’m recommending this film because it feels unique. In the modern world of highly-packed films with formulaic plots, this is not that. This is no smooth Hollywood production. It’s not clever. It’s not pretty. What it is though, is interesting.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Toon-arama: Brave (2012)

Let’s do a little thought experiment. If you wrote for Disney and wanted to produce a truly stand-out animated script, what are some things you would avoid? Princesses would probably top the list. Of course, if you went with a princess anyway, you could always just make her a “free spirit.” Oh, but that’s been done before. Still, you could likely think of something more original than having her betrothed to someone she doesn’t even like and trying to avoid marriage. No?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Questionable Jones No. 1

Indiana Jones films are truly a wretched hive of scum and villainy... or they wouldn't be any fun.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Great (film) Debates vol. 66

Reach for the sky, mister! The western is perhaps the most uniquely American of all forms of storytelling, and it's one of the most enduring.

What is your favorite western?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Film Friday: Silver Streak (1976)

Silver Streak is one of my favorite comedies. This film is funny, clever, thoroughly enjoyable, and timeless. And it’s the timelessness I want to talk about, because this film again shows us how to do a comedy that lasts: tell a compelling story first, add the jokes later.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Movie Rewind: Where Were You in ’83?

by ScottDS

1983 might not be quite the banner year that 1982 was but there are still some classic films to be found, along with a few merely average films we still remember, and a couple of bombs best forgotten. (The following list – heavy on the genre stuff – in no way constitutes a “best of” compilation!)