Question: "What secondary character would you most want to have dinner with and what would you discuss?"
Andrew's Answer: All right, you're not going to believe this one, but I'd like to meet Guinan (Whoopie Goldberg). I thought her character was all around pretty neat. She clearly had an interesting history. She had great stories. She was very insightful. And she proved several times to be an excellent dinner companion. In terms of what I'd want to discuss, it would probably just be the history of the galaxy as she knows it.
Scott's Answer: Of all the people in the 23rd and 24th centuries, my answer most closely resembles a person from the 21st century: Lt. Reginald Barclay (Dwight Schultz). He appeared in several episodes of TNG and Voyager. He was one of the few "ordinary" people we saw in the so-called "enlightened" 24th century. He had bad habits and obsessions and nervous tics and he was bad with women... but at the end of the day, he just needed someone to talk to. I think it would be interesting to have a conversation with him, not to mention I'd get to ask him, "So, what was it like being a genius for a day?"
Quark from Deep Space Nine. He is the guy I would like to meet. Not only get a great drink, but find out who has passed through his Bar. If Quark is unavailable, then Morn. Of course, I would have to listen to all his boasts. Such is life. :-)
Dam Joel beat me to it, Quark was the first name that jumped into my head for much the same reasons too.
Though I do like Scott's answer to and I never reelly though of Barclay as someone from our time but it does make sense.
Worf might be fun, especially in a bar fight. I keep thinking Geordi seems like an interesting guy, but I'm not sure. I'll have to think about this.
I don't have to think about this one damn bit. If I could have dinner with one of the supporting crew from Star Trek it would be Lt. Uhura and my goal during dinner would be to get her to breakfast.:) I realize I may not be as high minded as some of you guys but hell,the question was asked! I would be freaked out by Guinan because she looked like Whoopi Goldberg,LOL. I'm not familiar with Quark but as far as Worf goes,I'm not sure about mixing Klingons with alcohol.He might be as likely to get you into a bar fight as out of one.I know this is a dumb question,but how do I get a user name and join the fun? I used to be Gypsytyger at Big Hollywood.
Joel and Scott, He would be an interesting guy to meet, that's for sure. I'll bet he's got a lot of dirt on everyone in the universe! LOL!
Scott and ScottDS, It is interesting now that ScottDS has mentioned it that Barclay really is one of the few normal people on the show -- and yet he's presented as this weirdo.
Doc, I thought about Geordi, but I'm not sure if he isn't a little too dull. Every time they show him he's either talking about engines or failing with his latest non-girlfriend.
Gypstyger, There are two ways. You can go to www.blogger.com and sign up: LINK.
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I recommend signing up, because that way you don't need to keep retyping it.
Montgomery Scott. I wouldn't sitting down and sharing a bottle of "It's green" with the scotsman.
It took a little while for me to come up with Barclay. Garak would be another answer but, deep down, I'd always be wondering if he was just lying to me the whole time!
As far as main characters, on one hand I'd happily have dinner with any of them, from any show. If i had to pick just one, then I'd have to say Data. I think it'd be interesting to get his perspective on things.
Intriguing question! My top picks:
Jadzia Dax -- she'd be a fascinating dinner companion just because of all that she and the previous Dax hosts have seen, experienced and met. (Dinner only because either my wife or Worf would kill me.)
Jake Sisko (after the Dominion War) -- As fellow writers, we could trade stories on the people we've met and things we've seen. Ideal place for dinner? Joseph Sisko's in New Orleans, of course!
Shawn, Scotty is one of my favorite characters, but I have to say that I doubt he'd been good company.
Scott, Data would interesting, but if we're talking main characters, then nobody beats Kirk!
Big Mo, Yeah, watch our for jealous Klingons!
Sisko would definitely be an interesting character to talk to. He's seen a lot and he's just an all around interesting guy.
@Andrew - signing up doesn't do anything if Blogger doesn't like you. I still use the "name" because I can't sign in or it is meaningless in the Blogger kingdom.
As soon as I type the "d" my computer supplies the name :D
darski, I know that Blogger hates some people. Sadly, that seems to be how Blogger works... it picks on people :(
Blogger the Bully!
I think I have to agree with Andrew on Guinan. I liked her character. Sometimes I liked Dr. Crusher, so if it was one of her interesting phases maybe her. Or Tasha Yar. Or Chekov.
I think the Cardassian Dumar (Casey Biggs) would be interesting, just for how he went from being the a** aide to Dukat to a drunk to leader of Cardassian insurgents retaking his home world from the Dominion.
He'd be a fascinating person to interview.
Andrew, I just realized this was the 25th "Questionable Trek" piece!
I liked this question but, had I realized it earlier, I might've suggested something special. :-)
(I have no idea what, though.)
Scott, We'll do something special for 50. :)
Andrew, I still think we should use Skype to record our own audio commentary for one of the films, but that might be more trouble than it's worth and we can't expect anyone to listen to the whole thing! :-)
I would have to pick Ro Laren for many of the same reasons that Anon. picked Uhura.
Scott, That is an idea whose time has not yet come. LOL!
tryanmax, Good choice... for that reason. ;)
P.S. Andrew, I know you're busy (and probably still under the weather)... don't forget to e-mail me back from yesterday. No rush! :-)
rlaWTX, Sorry, I missed your comment somehow, and the spam filter got your other one. I figured I wouldn't be the only one to choose Guinan. :)
Wesley Crusher. LOL! Just kidding.
Ellen, That's not even funny.
Mr. Scott: by far. Wanted to talk tech with him and see what made him tick (It always bugged me that Scotty never got a legitimate love angle plot in TOS; his three ladies were: seduced and impregnated by a god, murdered by Jack the Ripper and had soem stuid lights take over her consiousness.
Always wanted to have breakfast (ahem) with Lt. Uhura and Nurse Chapel. :-)
You know, we absolutely didn't anticipate the "breakfast" angle when we drew up this question.
I'd pick Chief O'Brian. Seems like a good dinner companion. Afterwords we could go to a holosuite and fight the Battle of Britain.
I would also consider Gul Dukat (DS9 was my favourite Star Trek series), even if he didn't spill any dirt or go into any details of events he at least would be a charming conversationalists.
I also didn't immediately thing of a 'breakfast buddy', but now that someone has broached the topic... I always had a thing for Tasha Yar.
Scott, I would prefer Gul Dukat to O'Brien by a lot. Dukat would have a lot of interesting stories.
I haven't thought about a "breakfast buddy" either. LOL!
Well, since neither Andrew nor I took the "breakfast angle" into account (or as I call it, "the schtup factor")...
...I would have to say T'Pol and 7 of 9 top that particular list. Leeta, not so much, if only because I don't think Chase Masterson is a great actress.
(A man's gotta have some standards!) :-)
Actually I don't want to think about the whole "breakfast with Star Trek" characters thing anymore.
Just think if "Seven of Nine" had just agreed to the threesome, the course of our country's history would have been way different!
Scott, 7 of 9 would win the "Trek Babe" award hands down. But then, that was the point of casting her!
Pike, Funny how things like that work out, isn't it?
My only misgiving about 7 of 9 is that I would find myself having to explain the significance of "breakfast" the whole way through.
Picky... picky... picky.
Did I say "deal breaker"?
No, I believe I did not. ;-)
Still, you're looking a gift Borg in the alimentary canal.
I'm going to leave that one alone. Just calling it an opening is already too much.
That's probably for the best. This is a family friend site after all... despite all the talk of breakfast.
AndrewPrice said...
Shawn, Scotty is one of my favorite characters, but I have to say that I doubt he'd been good company.
The only Red shirt to go on multiple landing parties and return alive, I'm sure he'd be full of usefull information and lots of behind the scenes stories.
Should have posted earlier... I think Garak would have been the most interesting dinner guest. His Cardassian murder novels would be food for much discussion... (boo, hiss, pun)
I'd have to go with Harry Mudd.....
I would of course hide my wallet but it would be one heck of a drinking binge to be sure....
...and Tribbles!
All Trekies, check out today's Google Doodle.
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