Friday, October 29, 2021

Monsterpiece Theater: The Creature from the Black Lagoon

by Rustbelt

Yes! Oh, yes! We’re back! They said I was crazy! They said I was mad! Well, regardless of how right they absolutely were, it’s finally happened! We’ve reached the conclusion of our Universal Monster Mash!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Monsterpiece Theater: Universal Monster Mash- The Mummy

by Rustbelt

And we’re back! After a yearlong delay, (for a variety of reasons), our October block party, otherwise known as the Universal Monster Mash, is back on! The good news is that there’s plenty for us to cover this month, including some films that are just a bit off the radar. The bad news is that we’re starting with the Mummy... the red-headed stepchild/black sheep of the Universal Monster Canon. The former member of the Egyptian household reduced to the aftermath of modern-day frat hazing. The walking, untalking advertisement for the identity-concealing powers of Ace bandages. Yeah, it’s the Mummy.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Monsterpiece Theater: Carnival of Souls (1962)

Before we get started…I just wanted to say that this year, we will be continuing with the Universal Monster Mash reviews.